Request an Estimate

How it Works

Complete the form below to get your free cleaning estimate! Once we receive your submission, a Support Specialist will be in touch shortly to ask any additional clarifying questions necessary to provide you with an accurate estimate. We’ll give you a preliminary estimate today and a confirmed price once we visit your facility.

Submit Your Request

Complete the form below or call us at

1-888-520-2928 so that we can learn more about your required services and provide a preliminary quote.

Get a Preliminary Quote

One of our skilled Support Specialists will work with you to better understand your service request, provide a preliminary estimate and schedule a visit to your facilities.

Get Your Confirmed Price

Once we have visited your facility and confirmed your cleaning requirements, we will send you a final price within 24 hours.

What type of cleaning service do you need?

Commercial Cleaning

Residential Cleaning

As a small business owner, there isn’t always a lot of time left over to make sure the office is as clean as we’d like it to be. Having TeeTree Cleaning to help us has been a god-send.

Commercial Cleaning Client

“When we looked at the calendar and saw that it was nearly February and we still hadn’t taken our Christmas tree down, we were embarrassed. My husband and I had great intentions but we were just so busy. We called TeeTree and to our surprise they took the job. We thought the job may be too small for them but they were happy to take it on. We were thrilled that they took the same level of care in doing this job as they do when they do our regular service.”

Residential Cleaning Client
